Philjames_Flight School #3_2013_oil on board_43 x 31cm
Full Court Press is a group exhibition based on the intersection of Basketball and Contemporary Art. Each of the artists in the exhibition has a history of creating works involved with basketball or a direct personal passion for the sport.
The title comes from a defensive basketball tactic called a ‘full court press’ in which the defense applies man-to-man or zone defense to pressure the offensive team the entire length of the court before and after the inbound pass.
Curated by Sebastian Goldspink, Full Court Press explores themes of masculinity and US cultural imperialism and status anxiety related to material acquisition of foreign apparel and culture.
Artists in the exhibition include: Tully Arnot, Nicole Breedon, Tristan Chant, Will Cooke, Hamishi, Biljana Jancic, Philjames, Julian Meagher, Danny Morse, Sarah Oxenham and Mark Whalen.
Full Court Press in the Media and on the Web:
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