Friday, February 18, 2011

Artist Interview: Jessica Mackney

Horology I_2010_Enamel screenprint on glass_177.5 x 43 x 8.4cm

What is it that you are trying to achieve with the works in this exhibition? What message or ideas, if any, are you are trying to convey?

Horology (the study and measurement of time) explores the themes of memory, time, journeys and identity. The focus is on the comparison between the temporary and the unchanging environment through the portrayal of the deciduous trees in autumn (Horology I) and spring (Horology II). Using the contrasting colours produced in these seasons, I have represented the evergreen and urban environment in black and grey hues (to simulate the semi-permanent) against the changing deciduous trees in autumn with their bright reds and yellows, and in spring with their rich greens and the burst of colour coming from the flowers reacting to the seasonal change (imitating the temporary).

The pathway systems of roads and sidewalks that a person experience while they are undertaking a journey interweave and overlap continuously to produce a conflicting representation of a chronological trip. The repeated motifs act as another representation of time and the journey. This work continues my study of identity through the land by acting as a reminiscent narrative of a personal trip. I want the observer to feel engaged in the journey, compositionally viewing it however they want to, reading it as a story from another person’s life and/or also imprinting his or her own experiences onto the work.

Horology I_2010_(image detail)

How does the landscape inspire and inform your art practice? What is it that drew you to the landscape tradition?

To date, the landscape has completely informed my practice. I have always been fascinated with the natural world, however it wasn’t until later in high school and university that I realized it was my main artistic focus. I went about exploring the notion of memory and identity within these portrayals, finding refuge in the representation and actual environments. My works act as unconventional self-portraits.

Jessica Mackney will be showing at Artereal as part of our group exhibiton Scape until the 26 February 2011.

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